Episode 6: Jurassic World Dominion - Interview with Kai Allison and Timothy Frauenfelder

Marissa is joined by Honours student Kai Allison and PhD candidate Timothy Frauenfelder to discuss palaeontology and the implications behind the scientific themes in Jurassic World Dominion.
In preparation for the Belgrave Cinema's special screening of Jurassic World Dominion as part of our Sci Flicks program, Marissa interviews UNE Honours student Kai Allison and PhD candidate Timothy Frauenfelder about their interest in palaeontology and dinosaur anatomy, diet, and behaviour. They also touch on the science behind the concept of Jurassic World and the ramifications in the real world. 
Episode 6: Jurassic World Dominion - Interview with Kai Allison and Timothy Frauenfelder
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